Interested in IRACDA at UCSF?
2025 Cohort Applications Available Now
Since its inception in 2007, the UCSF IRACDA Scholars Program cultivates a dynamic group of biomedical scientists across the spectrum of scientific research interests to pursue independent academic careers and to enrich the collaborative relationship between UCSF and SFSU in research, training, and mentoring.
Our Scholars train with UCSF faculty Research Mentors and take advantage UCSF's state-of-the-art research facilities, and learn pedagogy under the mentorship of San Francisco State's masterful Teaching Mentors. IRACDA Scholars share their passion for developing future scientists by mentoring SFSU students in the lab and presenting seminars at SFSU.
Program Overview
The UCSF IRACDA (Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award) Program is a K12 grant sponsored by the NIH/NIGMS. The IRACDA Program is a 4-year career development opportunity providing salary support for each Scholar in Years 1-3, and additional budget for supplies and travel throughout all four years in the program.
Year 1
Arrive at UCSF and establish research project.
SFSU orientation & teaching workshop.
Year 2
Mentored Teaching Experience at SFSU: Audit lectures & teach.
Mentor a student in the summer.
Year 3
Identify and apply to extramural funding opportunities.
Grant writing workshop.
Prepare a manuscript.
Year 4
Obtain extramural transitional (or faculty-sponsored) funding.
Continue postdoctoral training, begin the search for a faculty position.
Mock interview at SFSU.
Additionally, IRACDA Scholars supplement their postdoctoral training through a variety of program-sponsored academic career development monthly workshops. Each year, Scholars showcase their research at the program's annual retreat. Each spring, an Individual Development Plan (IDP) meeting allows Scholars an opportunity to share their progress with Program Leadership and solicit personalized career advice to stay on track.
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Contact Program Manager, Anne Sufka with questions